miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Videos in Spanish!

We believe that the best way of learning Spanish is watching and listening it. That's why whe have created a new section in our blog, called "videos". There, you will find learning materials to practise on your own. Start enjoying them right away!

miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

New section in our blog!

We are very excited about the new section in our blog: "Daily Spanish proverb". We will post a new proverb every day and you will find it on the right side of the page.

A proverb ("refrán" in Spanish) is a phrase popularly known that express knowledge acquired by practical experience. It has been used for many years and it has been passed on from generation to generation.

Proverbs play an important role in the Spanish culture, that is why we want you to understand, learn and use them properly. 

Every day, we are going to show you a new proverb and its meaning.

If you want to collect all of them, e-mail us and they will be sent to you.

Start making your proverb calendar today!!

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2014

Lepoldo María Panero

Some days ago, Lepoldo María Panero, Spanish poet, passed away. We want to remember him by posting one of his poems.

La maldad nace de la supresión hipócrita del gozo

Una cucaracha recorre el jardín húmedo
de mi chambre y circula por entre las botellas vacías:
la miro a los ojos y veo tus dos ojos
azules, madre mía.
Y canta, cantas por las noches parecida a la locura,
con tu maldición para que no me caiga dormido, para que no me olvide
y esté despierto para siempre frente a tus dos ojos,

madre mía.

Leopoldo María Panero

Self introductions

Let´s start learning Spanish. How would you introduce yourself?

viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014

Singing in Spanish (SS)

Do you think it is so hard to speak Spanish?
Try to sing this song with them

Poem: Lateralidad by Paco Cifuentes

Today we want to share with you a poem of one of our favourite authors, Paco Cifuentes, writer and musician.

Lateralidad ( Del fr. Latéralité, der. De lateral )
1.f. Preferencia espontánea en el uso de los órganos
situados al lado derecho o izquierdo del cuerpo,
como los brazos, las piernas, etc...

Con la derecha agarro los cuchillos,
las tijeras y la máquina de afeitar.

Con la siniestra la guitarra,
y con placer especial
pelo una naranja
o cuatro ajos para lentejas.

Con la zurda te toco mejor.
Y con la derecha tiro de mí
cuando el lugar se vuelve
"poco apropiado".

Con la del diablo
agarro el papel
y con la derecha cazo moscas.

Con ésta misma señalo
lo que me molesta
y es la izquierda
la que acerco a tu mejilla.

Paco Cifuentes